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How To Make FAQ Videos For Your Website

How To Make FAQ Videos For Your Website

Social Media Blackout: What Does This Mean for Your Business

How To Make FAQ Videos For Your Website

There are a lot of different videos that you can make for your website, but make sure you are focused on serving your target audience. Also, developing user-generated content is the best approach for deciding what video-content you want to produce and share with your target audience. Think about the message that you want to convey to your audience as well. Step 1: Watch this video to learn more about why you need to consider developing FAQ videos for your website.

Step 2: Visit LEARNWITHAC's Video-Marketing community to learn more about 10 Videos that you can make for your business. Also, print the bottom portion on this post to work through an activity that will help you best connect and communicate with your audience.


​​​​​PRINT THIS PORTION OF THE POST(IF YOU'D LIKE):​ Video-Marketing Engagement Strategy: 1. My name is ______________________________________, and I want to connect with my target audience by being ___________________________, authentic, and _____________________________. 2. I will choose 1-2 of the following options below for engagement purposes: a. POLLS b. SURVEYS c. Facebook Messenger d. Direct Messages 3. I will practice GOING LIVE _______________________________ (write how often here), until I am ready to GO LIVE Publicly. 4. Even if I post a photo, I will respond back to comments within ______________________ (how many minutes), and like comments accordingly right away. These four elements will help you with your engagement process. After you've tried #3 at least 5-7 times, you will feel more comfortable going LIVE publicly. Also, if you'd like me to watch your Practice FB-LIVES for feedback purposes, simply send me an email ( with a link to the video. What kind of FAQ's will you answer in video-format for your audience?


Social Media Blackout: What Does This Mean for Your Business


Unashamed Imaging photography and videography
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