How To Mute Instagram Stories
Social media can be overwhelming for some for various reasons. If you're in a season where it's really becoming a lot of noise, but you don't want to make waves by blocking someone on Instagram, so you don't see some of their content, a great solution is to mute their Instagram Stories and posts. If you didn't know that you could do, I'm here to help. First and foremost, muting someone's Instagram Stories is different from unfollowing them. The benefits to muting someone is that you don't see their IG Stories content, but you still get to see what they post. This is the best solution to keep the peace between you and someone you care about, but maybe you have content overload and need to trim input. I. How To Mute Instagram Stories: 1. Go to the top of your Instagram Feed 2. Tap and hold the profile picture of the person whose story you want to mute
3. A pop-up will appear
4. Select Mute 5. A larger pop-up will show asking if you want to "Mute Story" or "Mute Story and Posts" 6. After you select which option you want it will confirm that selection with the option selected highlighted with a grey background. It's important to note that you can not mute someone's IG Stories that has "hidden" their stories from you first. The IG Stories that you've chosen to mute will appear in your top feed at the end of it. It won't have the colorful ring around the person's profile picture once the app updates your setting. It's also important to note that any muted stories will not play automatically like the IG Stories you've chosen to see. If you need visuals of this step by step process, here you go:
1. Go to the top of your Instagram Feed
2. Tap and hold the profile picture of the person whose story you want to mute. (I selected my friend @clintcoley's profile picture in my feed for this example).
3. A pop-up will appear
4. Select Mute 5. A larger pop-up will show asking if you want to "Mute Story" or "Mute Story and Posts"
6. After you select which option you want it will confirm that selection with the option selected highlighted with a grey background. 7. You did it!!
III. How To UnMute Instagram Stories:
1. Go to the top of your Instagram Feed 2. Tap and hold the profile picture of the person whose story you want to mute
3. A pop-up will appear
4. Select Unmute (select the User's name)
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So, what are your thoughts on muting Instagram Stories? Do you think this will help you with content overload? Share your thoughts in a comment.